Dear World Leaders,
This letter is a plea from the Lebanese people, and friends of Lebanon . We urge you to exercise any political influence you may have to guide a cease fire between Israel and Hezbollah. Negotiations must take place. The violence that has escalated in Lebanon has gotten out of control, it is insanity! The people of Lebanon are suffering; the Lebanese economy will suffer deeply for years to come. As I am sure you know anger, resentment, and poverty can only lead to further extremism. For the welfare of Lebanese citizens, Israeli citizens, the stability of the Middle East , and indeed the world, we implore you to take action as soon as possible to prevent further violence, destruction, and casualties.
Friends and Citizens of Lebanon
Leaders du monde,
Cette lettre constitue un appel au secours de la part du peuple libanais et des amis du Liban. Nous vous pressons d’exercer votre influence politique afin de faire appliquer un cessez-le-feu entre Israël et le Hezbollah. Des négociations doivent avoir lieu. La violence qui sévit au Liban perd tout contrôle et la situation devient insoutenable. Le peuple libanais souffre. L’économie du Liban sera gravement perturbée pendant des années. Comme vous le savez sûrement, la colère, la rancune et la pauvreté ne peuvent mener qu’à plus d’extrémisme. Pour le bien-être des citoyens libanais et israéliens, pour la stabilité du Moyen-Orient et également du monde, nous vous implorons d’agir aussi vite que possible pour empêcher l’escalade de la violence, de la destruction et des pertes humaines.
Le peuple du Liban et ses amis.
Its your choice, you can send this email to the one, more than one, or all of the following below. Also, please feel free to send this to anyone you deem appropriate and to add your personal touch to the letter. But always try to keep it polite and civilized. Thank you.The White House: comments@whitehouse.govU.S. VP: vice_president@whitehouse.govIsraeli minister of defense: Minister of foreign affairs: French President:Go to this on Ecrire au President and copy paste this text in the box provided.The British British Prime Minister: can keep this : If any one has any ideas about what to do, how to do it (better), PLEASE volunteer them!
From The Leb Blog Fourm
we all in pain
no one can deny this
we all in PAIN!!!
we feel it your PAIN
you feel ours..
we r all one family ...
yes we are linda..
we r one body..we can feel the same pain...
yes we can...and thank u for ur support.i mean with lebanese peapol
thanks sis
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